Van Nuys High School

Van Nuys High School - Wolf Pack Dance


Van Nuys High School - Soccer Conditioning


Van Nuys High School - College And Career Readiness


Van Nuys High School - College and Career Readiness

This video will go over community college and the transfer process. (En Espanol) 


Van Nuys High School - Colegio Comunitario en el Proceso de Transferencia (In Spanish)


Van Nuys High School - Dance

This video will be showing a dance tutorial to the song Shining. 


Van Nuys High School - Basketball

This video will be showing warm ups at the beginning and then will lead into basketball conditioning


Van Nuys High School - Soccer Conditioning

The videos will go over the basic fundamentals of soccer to help students understand the basics of this sport. 


Van Nuys High School - College and Career Readiness

Esta es la segunda parte del video de la semana pasada. Explica los programas que te ayudarán a transferirte de un Colegio Comunitaria a un plantel “UC” o “CSU."


Van Nuys High School - Dance

In this video, Wolfpack Dance Van Nuys HS presents choreography for Megan Thee Stallion's Savage Remix (Clean) (feat. Beyoncé)


Van Nuys High School - TAC

Attached is the link to the video for T.A.C #2. What we talk about in this video is college life and our different perspectives on going to a community and transferring, going to a UC and commuting, and going to a private 4 year school and dorming. So the kids have different perspectives on each topic and hope they take this into consideration when they are choosing their schools.


Van Nuys High School - Basketball

This video will be showing Basic Basketball Offensive Sets and Movement.


Van Nuys High School - Soccer Conditioning

This video will be going of the fundamental of soccer.


Van Nuys High School - College and Career Readiness

8 Tips for Succeeding in College. Learn how to make the most out of your years in college! We will discuss ways to get involved, build a support network, and develop your skills. 


Van Nuys High School - Basketball

Today we are going over basic ball handling skills. With these skills you will be able to get where you need to on the court
 and feel more confident in your abilities.


Van Nuys High School - Soccer Conditioning

In this video we will do exercises to help with agility, balance, leg strength and core strength. We will also do ball drills to help improve dribbling. and control.


Van Nuys High School - Financial Aid for College (The Basics)

This video gives an overview of FAFSA, the CA Dream Act (for undocumented students), and what sources of free money are available for students to pay for college.


Van Nuys High School - Dance

In this video, Wolfpack Dance Van Nuys HS presents choreography for J Balvin - Mi Gente (ft. Beyoncé)


Van Nuys High School - Basketball


Van Nuys High School - Soccer Conditioning


Van Nuys High School - College and Career Readiness

Cómo solicitar ayuda financiera a través del FAFSA o del CA. Dream Act.


Van Nuys High School - Learn With Us: Practicing How To Answer Interview Questions

This week we will be asking each other the most common interview questions used in the work field.


Van Nuys High School - Dance

In this video, Wolfpack Dance Van Nuys presents choreography for Justin Bieber - Yummy (Summer Walker Remix).


Van Nuys High School - Basketball

In this video we will go over static stretches to do after a workout. These stretches will promote flexibility and reduce next day soreness.


Van Nuys High School - Soccer Conditioning

In this video we work on strengthening balance and legs while also working on abdominal muscles. We will also combine different ball drills to help with better control.


Van Nuys High School - 20 Min Cardio Workout With Adriana

This week will be doing some fun, easy, and quick cardio workouts.


Van Nuys High School - College and Career Readiness

This video gives an overview of college and financial aid options for undocumented students in California, and how college/trade school can open career options.


Van Nuys High School - Basketball

Congratulations on completing another successful school year! We are all very proud of you guys for handling these trying times in the world.


Van Nuys High School - Soccer Conditioning

In this work out you will strengthen your legs and core to help your balance. In the ball drills you will use skills to help get better control and dribbling.


More Videos Coming Soon…