Take Action Leadership Campaign

Virtual online learning now available!

A Message to our 2020 Graduating Class:

“Thank you for all your service with the Take Action Campaign this year. We have no doubt that your excellent leadership will take you beyond your wildest dreams.”

- EduCare Foundation

Congrats to the class of 2020!.png

Additional COVID-19 Resources are Available!

Students Serve LA Recap

More Youth Development Programs


Tobacco Use Prevention Education (TUPE)

TUPE aims to raise awareness in different high schools about the dangers of Tobacco products including e-cigarettes/ vaping devices. We target student leaders on campus to become informed and advocates on their campus. Students will learn how to address this epidemic in their communities and aim for a tobacco-free future for all of our youth. 


Language in Action Program (LAP)

The Language in Action Program aims to assist English Learner (EL) students in improving their comprehension of the English Language.  The students focus on engaging in fun and interactive activities to expand their knowledge and their skills in the English language including speaking, listening, reading and writing.


Advocates for Healthy Choices (AFHC)

Advocates for Healthy Choice (AFHC) is an engaging and informative class that teaches students on the effect of e-cigs and vaping while also guiding them into becoming leaders in their community. Students cover pieces on civic engagement and healthy alternatives so they can go out into their communities an advocate to other to engage in these same activities.


A Look Back at Denim Day 2019…

Our Partners

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